Mark Oborne

Software Engineer

Lambda use with the Standard Template Library

Lambda expressions were added in C++11 and allow you to create temporary, unnamed functions. Though unnamed, these can be assigned to variables as they are considered rvalues. Lambdas can also be immediately invoked with the () operator which gives the programmer the ability to do complex initialization on a const variable. It is important to note that much of what you can do with lambdas can be done with standard functions however lambdas are often used to increase readability and locality of the code.

Lambdas can be passed to functions through function pointer parameters, something that many functions from the Standard Template Library utilise. For example, the std::sort function from the algorithm header. Since the function may not know how to sort through a custom object, a lambda may be used to essentially "show the function" how to sort it. More specifically it shows how to compare the values. Here is an example from a neural network library I created:

std::sort(generation.begin(), generation.end(), [](const network& a, const network& b){

return >;


Here the lambda is telling the sort function to compare the networks using their fitness values with the greater than operator. It is important to note here that if the less than operator was used here then it would sort the networks in ascended order rather than descending.
